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Communities In Schools of the South Plains® depends upon loyal donors and hundreds of community volunteers who serve as tutors, mentors, and role models for young people.

In the words of Communities In Schools’® founder Bill Milliken: “Programs don’t change kids – relationships do.” 

Students with Teacher
ACE Program at OL Slaton in Lubbock, TX

Fuel Potential

At Communities In Schools®, our role in the world is more important than ever. Our brand narrative helps us articulate that role in a way that helps everyone understand our story and feel motivated to get involved. 

It is intended to establish a shared vision and commitment to the brand among internal staff and stakeholders.


Community by community, school by school, child by child we are all in this together.

We believe greatness exists in every child.

We see potential coursing through them, a promise waiting to be realized.

We go where they need us—understanding their needs and listening to their dreams from the inside-out and the outside-in.

And in every step we take together, we help them find the strength and confidence to look within and see what we see—a bright future that’s theirs for the taking.